Raissa Recommends

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Raissa Recommends - Thanks and Pinocchio

Dear Friends:

THANK YOU for sharing last night with me, both in person at FEINSTEINS and for all the good wishes sent via phone, email and Facebook! We were sold out - thank you! Once I get them downloaded, I'll post some pictures here of all the fun. My deepest thanks to my director, ERIC MICHAEL GILLETT, my musical director, MARK JANAS, and my amazing band: MAYRA CASALES, SEAN HARKNESS & RITT HENN.

I'm still resting after not sleeping all night after the show, due to excitement, but I just had to remind you all of the premiere of PINOCCHIO OF CHELSEA, next Monday night, 10/26/09, at 9:30 pm at the Beechman. Call 212-695-6909 for reservations. I will surely see you there.

Would love to post more, but I've messed up my blog editing, so until I have a minute to ask Jenna Esposito, queen of all these things, I will have to wait.

Love and Light,
"Just keep coming home to yourself - you are who've you've been waiting for." Byron Katie, Loving What Is.